What? The Mushroom Republic is a name for some people who make games for computers! Those people are definitely Rebecca Clements and Patrick Alexander. Maybe some other people too, one day. Life is a mystery. How come you are doing this? Because it's good? We are friends, and I guess we have similar ideas about games, and the liking of them? And we like mushrooms? Mushrooms are pretty cute, and fun to draw. I understand that your name is an hilarious Mario reference. It's not that hilarious. Quit sucking up. Show me your games, please. Okay. IN ORDER OF NEWNESS, I guess: |
![]() by Patrick Alexander November 2006 DOWNLOAD version 1.02 (10.9 MB) NEW! Download PRESS MATERIALS (180kb) Chu-Chi is Patrick's first ever game, made with the well-known Game Maker by Mark Overmars. It's a scrolling shooter NO WAIT DON'T STOP READING!! It's a music-based, looping shooter-'em-up, full of colour and happiness and a retarded bee! That's him to the right there, in that humourous promotional image. Chu-Chi is unique and baffling -- sort of half-toy, half-game. BUT ALL FUN. It's easy to play but difficult to beat. Can you get the highest ranking...? Patrick why did you make a music game in Game Maker, that's crazy. It's world-first crazy, is what it is. Who is Chu-Chi suitable for, audience-wise, Patrick tell me now.
![]() ![]() Yes, that's them right there. THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING AND MORE TO THE POINT PLAYING MY GAME. |
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Cirque de Zale by Rebecca Clements April 2004 DOWNLOAD version 1.4 (3.1 MB) Cirque de Zale is Rebecca's homage to the favourite adventure games of her youth, as well as a sort of philosophical statement. It was made with -- of course -- Adventure Game Studio by Chris Jones. It got all sorts of praise from the internet, mostly for being funny, which makes sense, because it is funny! Really, there is a lot of Becca's voice in Cirque, which is why it succeeds as personal expression despite the Monkey-Island-and-friends template. (Gameplay is overrated, folks. I'm not even kidding.) Cirque de Zale stars a young fellow of moderately brusque demeanour called Alexander Zale, who works as a dung-shoveller until one day, he gets sucked into another dimension! This can happen if you're not careful! Anyway, once there, he does things. In order to find out what things, please download and play this short, entertaining game at your leisure. Hello Rebecca how does it feel to be a young woman in gaming! Sirs, it is UNBELIEVABLE. |
- 9/11/2006
(That's November, you idiots.) Patrick has just finished Chu-Chi and is awaiting the avalanche of critical praise that will energise him for his next major project, which will be VERY UNLIKE Chu-Chi. Like, crazy-unlike. Rebecca is at this exact moment working on a brand new AGS game involving silhouettes in an apartment building. |
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please tell us what is going on with Gift
of Aldora, your homage to the favourite role-playing games of
your youth! Right. Well, not a lot is "going on", as the young ones tend to say. Not right now, that is. But between a year and a bit (perhaps another year) ago and now, so much was happening it would make your head spin around 572 degrees to hear about it all in one sitting. Basically, as stated, I had adventure gaming out of my system and wanted to try my hand at an RPG much like the games I had grown up loving during my 75 years of childhood, such as Secret of Mana and Terranigma. I started making Gift of Aldora, also using AGS which was a bit of a challenge considering it's an engine designed for adventure games. Nevertheless, I managed to construct most of an RPG engine with it, and a good chunk of the beginning of GoA. Currently,
although everything in the planning stages has been completed for a
good while, only about the first... let's say sixth of the game has
been completed, along with other bits and pieces. I would like to
finish the game someday, but perhaps I won't. You never know. I will
probably release the game as it is simply so people can see where I was
at with it, and at the very least I'll do a write up about it here
someday soon, but for now I have two other projects I'm much more eager
to continue with.
I'm aiming for 8359 degree head spins with these games, so do prepare yourselves. |